Name: Peter Fabok
Bisherige Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl): Repository (2014), Polaroid (2016), Victor Henge (2016), The Grand Design (2018)
I am Peter Fabok, and my stage name is Tangram. I played live many times here in Budapest, Hungary, I was the warmup live act when TD and Ulrich Schnauss and Loom was performing live concerts here.
My Tangram project was nominated for Schallwelle 2 times in the international album section.
I produced 30 albums in the last 12 years, I keep on going, and spread the word of electronic music 🙂
The track which I send to You is a live recording from my last concert (november 17) and it was performed as a 16 minutes improvisation. I hope you will like it.
Quelle: Künstlerinfo/Webseite